Sanchin was brought back from China by Kanryo Higaonna, and
means "three battles", the three generally accepted as
being the body, mind and spirit. It is the fundamental kata of
Goju Ryu.
There are two variations of Sanchin kata in use. One is the
original version known as Higaonna Sanchin, and the other is a
modified version, Miyagi Sanchin, with some changes made by
Chojun Miyagi.
To begin, slowly slide the right foot forward in an arc into
right Sanchin Dachi, while inhaling and executing Morote Chudan
Yoko Uke, exhaling as the block is completed. Pull the left fist
into the chambered position, inhaling. Then, slowly execute a
Chudan Tsuki while exhaling. Then, inhale and perform a Kake Uke,
exhaling as it is completed.
Next, slide the left foot into left Sanchin Dachi and perform
the same sequence using the opposite hands. Then, slide the right
foot forward into right Sanchin Dachi and perform the same
techniques, except alternate sides without changing the stance
for a total of four Chudan Tsuki/Kake Uke combinations.
Pull the left hand back into the chambered position and
execute a fifth Chudan Tsuki, breathing in as it is pulled back
and out as the strike is completed. Instead of the Kake Uke, open
both hands and face the palms up, inhaling as you go, and then,
while exhaling, turn both hands palms-down executing a Morote
Nukite. Next, execute a Morote Tsukami Hiki, inhaling and closing
the fists as they are brought back into chamber.
Continue by
opening both hands and performing another Morote Nukite with the
same breathing techniques, followed by the Morote Tsukami Hiki,
then repeat this combination once more, ending with one final
Morote Nukite.
Stepping backwards into left Sanchin Dachi, perform a Tora
Guchi, and then step back once more into right Sanchin Dachi and
repeat the Tora Guchi. Yame.